About Stewart ...
A prize-winning author of fiction and nonfiction for readers of all ages, Stewart Ross is one of Britain’s most popular and versatile writers.
He was born in Buckinghamshire and educated at Newton Blossomville, Oxford, Berkhamsted, Exeter, Bristol, and Orlando, Florida. He taught at a variety of institutions in Sri Lanka, the Middle East, the US and the UK before becoming a full-time writer in 1989.
In addition to fiction and nonfiction, his 330+ published titles include plays, librettos, and the text of a musical work for voice and orchestra.
Stewart lectures in France and the UK, gives talks, runs workshops and visits schools. He is an occasional journalist and broadcaster. His brother, Charlie Ross, is the celebrated auctioneer.
In his spare time, Stewart enjoys travel, food, sport, theatre, photography, art and music. He lives near Canterbury with his wife Lucy, and – occasionally – his four children and three grandchildren. Every morning, he commutes 10 metres to work in a large hut in the garden.
Awards ...
Bursary to Dragon School, Oxford, 1955-59
English Speaking Union Gertrude Cole scholarship to the US, 1978-79
American Library Association Young Adult Book of the Year, 1994, for Shakespeare and Macbeth (David Bennett, introduction by Kenneth Branagh)
Benjamin Franklin Prize, 1996, for Fact and Fiction: Witches (Aladdin Watts)
T.E.S.-Saltire Society Children’s Book Prize, 2000, for The Story of Scotland (Orion)
Scottish Arts Council Children’s Book Award, 2000, for The Story of Scotland (Orion)
Guardian Book of the Week, 2001, for Alexander Graham Bell (Hodder Wayland)
Oppenheim Toy Portfolio Gold Award, 2009, for Moon (Scholastic)
Washington Post & Sunday Times Best Children’s Book list of 2011, for Into the Unknown (Walker / Candlewick)
Boston Globe / Horn Honour, 2011, for Into the Unknown (Candlewick)
Society of Authors / ALCS Educational Writer of the Year, 2011, for Moon (Oxford)
English Association best illustrated book for children, 2012, for Into the Unknown (Walker)
Society of Authors / ALCS Educational Writer of the Year, 2012, shortlist and award for Into the Unknown (Walker)
Positions held ...
Chair, Educational Writers Group of Society of Authors
Judge, World Book Day Short Story Competition
Hon. President, East Kent Branch of Federation of Children’s Book Groups
Lecturer, ICES, La Roche sur Yon, France
Sessional lecturer, Canterbury Christ Church University
Chair, Canterbury Branch of the Historical Association
Vice-Chair, Canterbury Arts Council
Chair, HG Wells Short Story Competition
Author in Residence, Celebrate Woking
Judge, Dagenham and Barking Libraries Short Story Competition
Author in Residence, Canterbury Academy
Chair, Canterbury Commemoration Society